When hunting squirrels, its a good idea to strike them where theyre least expected. However many of those lead balls it would take to make one pound is the gauge. Two years ago I gave up on cartridge guns and started hunting with a muzzleloading shotgun. In a given year, an enterprising hunter might use his or her shotgun to hunt everything from mourning doves weighing five ounces to wild turkeys topping out at twenty-five pounds. If you have decided to get a squirrel gun to kill the pesky creatures, you're probably wondering, "What is a good one?" An 880 SS, which was the stainless-steel version of Marlins popular magazine-fed bolt-action of the 90s (replaced today by the XT series), was my go-to squirrel gun for most of my life. A pump action shotgun has a fore-end that must be slid back and forth to eject a round and chamber a new one. I tried 2 1/2 shells, once.did not like them at all. As someone who has wounded squirrels with 7 s and had to chase them down and put another shot in them(ruining more meat in the process) I cannot recommend 7 s(or 8s) for squirrels in any situation. Both of these load types put less shot in the meat and have the added benefit of a complete pass through. There are many different types of airgun pellets and styles available, and it can be confusing to decide which to buy. I was using game loads and target loads with size 4 and size 6 shot in the shotgun. You can kill a limit of squirrels as easily in a public forest as you can on private ground. I agree on the 3 shells vs. the 2 1/2 shells, they just dont have the reach or power. While there are other options such as a 10 gauge, Ive found they are too big for squirrels and its often overkill. Vintage Western Xpert 12 Gauge Shotgun Shell Empty Box 2 3/4 1oz 6 shot. I shoot a 20-grain CCI Game Point out of it, which isnt as explosive as most .17 HMR rounds are on squirrels. Mostly this is experienced in a crowded dove field. Available in 12-, 20-, and 28-gauge, plus .410-bore, the Pardner is a basic shotgun that hasnt change much since H&R started building them in 1893.
From my experience, I would say the 20 gauge may be the perfect squirrel shotgun.
But choosing a model thats a little dressed up is the way to go if youre looking for a dedicated hunting gun. These squirrels were running through, peering from, and sitting in separate woodlots and edges, where I ended up shooting them. For survival, you'll, What Gun Do You Use For Squirrel Hunting? While I also have a soft spot for the .410, I believe it is best used for clay shooting rather than hunting.
The performance of the 2 3/4-inch shells is exceptional when loaded properly. We have a variety of deals on Rifle Ammo, Handgun Ammo, Shotgun Ammo & Rimfire Ammo, as well as ammo for target practice, plinking, hunting, or shooting competitions. However, the gun isnt the most accurate or safest gun, and you may want to invest in a quality rifle for safety purposes. However, you shouldnt worry about waking up the smaller squirrels while hunting with this gun. The Coach Gun is available in single and double trigger models and is available in a variety of finishes. I butchered all of these squirrels, saved the meat to eat, and I also saved the tails. Web+254-730-160000 +254-719-086000. The Mark IV is available in two versions, the Hunter and the Target. In the Southeast, the leaf drop may not happen until November several months after most of the region's seasons have opened. Answer: Some of the best shotgun models for squirrel hunting include the Remington 870 the Winchester SXP and the Mossberg 500. Excellent to hear. If youre thinking of getting a new gun for squirrel hunting, consider getting the GAMO Adult Precision Air gun. There were compact and Junior versions, trap versions, versions with color-case-hardened receivers, and even a survival-style Tamer version in .410. Comments have to be approved before showing up, 2023 Foundry Outdoors - All Rights Reserved, Product successfully added to your Shopping Cart, 223 WSSM Winchester Super Short Magnum Ammo, 243 WSSM Winchester Super Short Magnum Ammo, 25 WSSM Winchester Super Short Magnum Ammo, 300 RSAUM Remington Short Action Ultra Magnum Ammo, 7mm RSAUM Remington Short Action Ultra Magnum Ammo. I have used a 16-gauge for upland bird hunting and find it to be satisfactory, but it does have some drawbacks, which Ill discuss later. But if youre also going to be hunting larger sized small game, such as turkeys, ducks, and geese, go with a 12-gauge. Morgenstern Signature Teak Green Slate Over Slate Turkey Pot Call. Winchester Vintage Hunting Shotgun Shell Boxes, Shotgun Vintage Hunting Shell Boxes, Nov 23, 2008. The ability to hunt diverse game species with the same gun throughout the year, whether in dense pine stands or thick briars, make shotguns hard to beat. I bet you expert squirrelshot-gunners thought Id leave this one out, didnt you? Introduced in 1891, the 39A is the longest continuously produced rifle in the world (though today, new ones are only available through Marlins Custom Shop). If a squirrel is moving 3 m east of its origin, what is the total distance it has traveled? I shoot the squirrel anywhere from 20 to 80 yards, it falls over and dies. A 20-gauge shotgun has a bore diameter of .615 inches, and 20 lead balls of that size would weigh one pound. I also use all other gauges and the .22lr as well but the .410 will make a hunter out of you. We offer a 100% Authenticity Guarantee on all products sold on our website.
If you just must use a shotgun then I If I had to compare the performance of steel versus lead shot, I would say that a heavily loaded lead 234-inch shell provides roughly the same level of killing potential as a 312-inch shell loaded with steel. Whitetail hunting strategies for the next generation. .22 LR reigns supreme for meat hunters, given body shots won't ruin the meat. I find it to be the best middle ground for 90% of squirrel hunting scenarios. Where I hunt, 7/8 oz. Even then, if you are seeking higher potential, the 3.5-inch 12-gauge might be a more versatile option. How many of yall hunt squirrels with a 12 gauge? A 12 gauge shell also has advantage over the smaller gauges because it has a shorter shot column. It just means a lot to me to hunt with it. Initially, .410 shotshells were only 2 inches in length, but today, 2.5- and 3-inch shells are standard. You need a tight pattern aimed right at them, same as youd aim at a gobblers head. Side by Side (Double barrel as I know them), Over and Under, and Break Barrels give you that authentic feel. I have a stainless-steel Taurus reproduction of the same rifle that I bought in the late 90s, and I kept it in my truck all through college. Whether you top off that single-shot, lever action or semi-auto rifle with a rifle scope is up to you. Its much closer to rifle shooting than wing-shooting. Along Mombasa Road. In my first article about what is the best gun to kill a wild squirrel, I focused on the Ruger Super Single Six, Diana air rifle,, What Rifle Should I Use For Squirrel Hunting, What Rifle Should I Use For Squirrel Hunting? Most of them came with factory full chokesalmost as if the Winchester folks knew that these would be used for dropping squirrels from high out of the canopies. If you're interested in squirrel hunting, you may be wondering what about the 410? Hunters have their favorite firearms, usually a .22 rifle with a pocket full of cartridges, to get the job done. Unfortunately, there arent many pellets in the typical 3/4-ounce shot charge of a 28-gauge. Of course shot sizes is just a matter of opinion and it could be different with different gauge shotguns. A person could spend days reading up on these arguments in dedicated firearms magazines, and youre welcome to do so. No electricity or running water. I shot six last week, the next to last one at the top of a hickory about 30 yards out. $46.74. Its how I got started in squirrel hunting. Answer: The best way to clean a shotgun after squirrel hunting is to disassemble the shotgun and clean all of the parts separately. For those reasons the sixteen gauge is usually overlooked. The 2 1/2 shoots faster and harder but has less shot and the pattern is not as dense as the 3 inch but have no problem taking squirrels with both, if you know what each will do. For squirrels I tend to use a shell between a 6-8. Squirrel hunting is also the perfect opportunity to pull a favorite old gun out of the safe and use it. I wouldnt say the same thing for all types of versatile big game hunters. Mine was a Rossi single shot, and it was a squirrel killing machine. If that same shotgun accepts multiple types of barrels, and many do, it might also be used very effectively for whitetail deer. If you are a squirrel, he is to be avoided at all costs, particularly if hes carrying his pet Ruger American .22 WMRwhich he just calls Twenty-Two Magnum. For less than $400, this is a rifle that has an adjustable trigger, shoots way better than it should, and is nearly indestructible. Note however there are many 12g frames out there converted to shoot 16g; those are the same weight as your standard 12 gauge. A squirrels heart is located near the upper body and neck. 2. Yeah I know Ive got it pretty bad. My inclination is not to start youth with the 12 gauge. What gun do you use for squirrel hunting? Personally, I take pleasure in owning various shotguns with different gauges, allowing me to choose the most suitable one for each shooting scenario. This year on opening weekend, a buddy of mine hit the field with an antique pump .22 that belonged to his grandfatherand he killed a limit with it. Learn how to shoot a fringe shot for closer ranges like 15 yards and under. On one of my first dove hunts I fired 66 shells and took 6 birds. When I was a kid I had a .410, and I used it for hunting squirrels and rabbits, he said about the small diameter shells. On the other end of the spectrum is the 10-gauge, which I consider to be a specialized weapon with limited hunting potential, similar to the .410. Just getting my grandson into hunting. For closer shots with light cover, a 20 Gauge with 6 Shot would be plenty, but for further shots through heavy cover a 12 Gauge with 4 or 5 Shot might be necessary. Thats how a surprise is suppose to work. My 6-year-old son, Anse, squirrel hunts with me most days now, and hes dubbed the gun Big Blister. The cylindrical design is 0.715 inches in diameter, allowing you to shoot a wider spread of shots. Glad you are getting him out in the woods. More recently, my raccoon hunting pals John Meares of Tennessee and Matt Balch of Alabama reinforced this early-late gun swap for squirrels. A rimfire rifle is also a good option for squirrel hunting because it has a shorter barrel and less risk of hitting a squirrel. The bottom-ejecting autoloader, based on a John Browning patent, was the first semi-auto .22 ever put into productionand theyre still made to this day. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. $46.74. What are the pros and cons of using a shotgun for squirrel hunting? Web+254-730-160000 +254-719-086000. The primary advantage of the 16 over its closest competitor, the 12-gauge, is its smaller size. Hollow-point cartridges usually, What is the Best Squirrel Gun? Love it! In such a case, the 12-gauge is likely the best option. Squirrel hunting is also the perfect opportunity to pull a favorite old gun out of the safe and use it. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Varmint guns work if you have a support, but are better suited for other small game. Lately Ive had a few people question the safety of firing up into a tree with a 22 rifle. Id call it one that got away. However, the good news is that a 3-inch chambered 20-gauge shotgun can fire 2 3/4-inch shells as well. As with the. While hunting chukars, my little 20s have amazed my fellow hunters who were carrying 12s. Shotguns are popular firearms used for hunting a wide variety of game, including birds, rabbits, squirrels, and larger animals like deer and bear. But dont go thinking that you need an arsenal of rifles and shotguns in order to be an effective small game hunter. I was fairly shocked, and had no idea this purchase was in the works. Its a take-down gun that easily breaks apart and stashes in a gear bag. Many shooters may not realize that the little .410 is not technically a gauge at all, but rather a 410 bore a name that accurately reflects its bore diameter of 0.410 inches. You don't want a full choke if all your shots are at 25 yards and you don't want an improved cylinder choke if WebVintage Remington Rabbit & Squirrel 20 GA Shotgun Shell Empty Box. TriStar Viper G2 The G2 was one of the first .410 semi-autos to be put into production. When I was a kid I had a .410, and I used it for hunting squirrels and rabbits, he said about the small diameter shells. The downside to the 28 gauge is difficulty in finding ammo on store shelves. However, some manufacturers just put a 16-gauge barrel on the same frame they used for their 12-gauges, rendering the 16 pointless. One ounce of #5 shot and 70 grains of 2F black powder does the trick. Like the Ruger, there are many iterations of the Buck Mark, and theyll all work on squirrels in a pinch. When I go pheasant hunting, I usually bring one of my 12-gauges along. The most common shotgun used for pretty much all small gaming hunting is a 12 gauge. The Mark IV is also drilled and tapped to accommodate a scope or other sighting system. At most with a shotgun you will experience the peppering effect. I would like to hear from some of you squirrel hunters out there as to what shotgun and choke do you use in such situations. Certainly. Read why the 12-gauge shotgun is the late summer and early fall calls gun. If its mainly wide open shots and you prefer less recoil, a .410 or 28 gauge with 6 shot might be your best option. Seeing as this gun is new for 2020, it might seem a stretch to include in a list of best guns ever. There is pretty much nothing you can do with a rifle, but with a shotgun you have a chance. For larger game, a 3-inch chamber would be ideal, but a 234-inch chamber would suffice for other uses and be more affordable. The smallest shotgun used for hunting purposes is the .410 for rabbits and squirrels, typically, while the largest is the 10 gauge for geese and swans. Imagine you are making lead balls. While it might seem that a versatile shotgun would be costlier than one with a narrower range of capabilities, the opposite is true. Annie Oakleys lever-action .22 is also the most iconic squirrel rifle of all time. 6 works well. He mounted a red-dot sight to it, and though I prefer a scope for hand-gunning squirrels, its still a fine setup for close-range hunting. The 12-gauge has a slightly larger shot capacity and much greater potential for increased velocities over the 3-inch 20. 6, a 12-gauge shotgun with shot sizes ranging from 4 to 6 may be used. At the end of the day, you need to take what youre comfortable with, that still makes sense for the shots you will be taking and go get in the woods! A collection of squirrel hunting rifles, shotguns, and handguns on a white background. Shell Release Rubber Butt Pad Inertia Semi Automatic Shotgun If you are looking for a shotgun that is affordable, durable, and will last you for years, the Stoeger Coach Gun is the best choice. Here are some tips on which one to choose., What About the 410 For Squirrel Hunting? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. We offer cheap ammo and bulk ammo deals on the most popular ammo calibers. No pellets ever in the meat, so I think I"m choosing shot size and choke appropriately. Seems to do the job. Gun optics definitely help, of course, with longer shots and more accurate placement of a bullet in the head so you don't waste meat. He loaned to a friend just last weekend, and that friend said the gun was so good, the scope seemed to have an autocorrect function so as to prevent missing. From turkeys to squirrels a .410 shotgun is capable hunting gun with the right load. WebThe nice thing about a shotgun is you can shoot higher up and knock them out of trees, if the squirrel falls 50ft it may die from hitting a rock farmertom 10 yr. ago I've shot squirrels with the .17 HMR and it doesn't leave a lot of meat. Modified is fine for 26"+ barrel. Answer: A 12 gauge is a better choice for squirrel hunting because it can shoot a heavier bullet at a higher velocity than a 20 gauge. But I had better eyes back in college, and I used its open sights to keep our dorm room crockpot a bubbling with fresh squirrel quarters at all times. My hunting buddy in high school carried one, and when wed finish our limits of a morning, wed take whatever ammo was left in our pockets and load it into the 30-round banana mag he kept in his backpack. My introduction to the .17 HMR came while field-testing this handgun during squirrel season some 15 years ago. is a 7 to big? 1.5 oz. My personal favorite, the 20 gauge is what I recommend anyone move up to who can from a .410. *. But first, a little bit of background on the H&R Topper 58. Wouldnt say the same weight as your standard 12 gauge heart is located near the upper body and neck squirrels! Is new for 2020, it might seem that a versatile shotgun would be costlier than one a! Less risk of hitting squirrel hunting with 12 gauge shotgun squirrel is moving 3 m east of its,... Models and is available in single and double trigger models and is available in a gear bag interested squirrel..., peering from, and it was a squirrel of all time ground for 90 of... 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